It’s been a month
the whole of july
since either of us sat in anyone’s garden
holiday, work, and other commitments have kept us away
what seems like a long time ago
the end of June
our last two visits
being recollected
some details forgotten
for sure
but captured images recall things seen
and whilst fading memories
smudge out
some things
some things
remain clear –
that relaxing feeling
time out
time in
the garden
for a while
under the shelter of the van’s rear door
that day
27th June
as we sat
this was her view

and this was mine

a stroll in the drizzle
to see the familiar
like the shoe
still there

and the new

bee orchids
5 in total (that day)

and burnet moths
with five spots

crickets too
changing the soundscape
cranking up
the sensory experience

And then
two days later
there was the sunset experience
turns out
anyone’s garden
is indeed
anyone’s garden
on the 30th june
another artist, steve
Sunset over Salford wasteland

and invited others to watch
the evening spectacle
as he recorded the slow slip of the sun
sliding down the sky
and under the Salford horizon
we recorded
the shift in sunlight
on garden features and garden views

odd really,
we know this isn’t our garden
but we’ve very much
espoused anyone’s garden
kind of thought
that no one else had
caring for this ground in the way that we do
cherishing rubbish as relics
being entranced by the natural beauty of a brownfield
forever fascinated by processes occurring
has produced
protective impulses
reality is
anyone who chooses to
and do
anyone’s garden
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