18th May
being here
loving it
coffee and chat
just casual
like you would in anyone’s garden
passing the time of day
in an enjoyable way
Hello, excuse me – please - can we take a photo of you? Our friends in Bolivia don’t believe me when I say “English people will sit anywhere to get a bit of sunshine”
we smiled
he took our picture
slightly tickled that we were having our picture taken
it didn’t even cross our minds to take one of them
they were over there
a consequence of relaxing
Anyone’s garden is looking lovely
this is her view
and this is mine
ox-eye daisies
in them
ox-eyes Leucanthemum vulgare
bending in the breeze
we take a stroll
she like this garden
because she can walk
on hard surface sealants
a void of flower life
avoiding flower life
up a garden path
fringed with
crunchy cushion moss
to discover
a revered species
not uncommon
on sites like this
anyone’s garden
can harbour
the good
and the
so called bad
but not by us
one to watch
not to touch
according to the Apple Inc Dictionary (version 2.0.3.), bad has 8 meanings.
can a plant be bad?
is a plant simply ‘being’
is the term ‘bad’ ascribed because of preconceived value judgments?
bad |bad| adjective ( worse |wərs|; worst |wərst|)
- of poor quality; inferior or defective
- unpleasant or unwelcome; unsatisfactory or unfortunate; (of an unwelcome thing) serious; severe, unfavorable; adverse; harmful; not suitable
- (of food) decayed; putrid; (of the atmosphere) polluted; unhealthy: bad air.
- (of parts of the body) injured, diseased, or causing pain: a bad back. [as complement] (of a person) unwell: I feel bad.
- [as complement ] regretful, guilty, or ashamed about something
- morally depraved; wicked; naughty; badly behaved
- worthless; not valid
- informal good; excellent: they want the baddest, best-looking Corvette there is.
With regard to the nature in Anyone’s garden
our perception is that nothing is bad
(there’s no room for the word ugly in anyone’s garden either)
studying and observing
yet still
first sightings occur
fox-and-cubs - Hieracium aurantiacum
Anyone’s garden
is flourishing
and there are signs of mammal movement
the wonders never cease
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