12 months ago
in feb 2011
alicia and i spotted this

by june 2011 it looked like this

12 months later
feb 2012
in the same spot
alicia and i spotted these

although the life story of one might have been over
the life story of the species in this site continues
we’re at a metaphorical crossroads
sat here

in anyone’s garden
amidst a multitude of organisms
converting light to sugars
and detritus to humus
if we sit
for another 12 months
which we might
would there be reason to post our views?

her view

my view
as far as our eyes can tell
is like it was last year
excluding disasters or significant events
anyone’s garden is likely to continue as it did last year
salix will shoot
budleas bloom
orchids blossom
butterflies, birds, bees, and a multitude of other critters will come and go
just an hypothesis
but do we want to test it?
perhaps there are other
more interesting
more intriguing
more challenging
hypothesis’ to be had
nature aesthetic in the built environment is not a matter of taste
for now
we need our anyone’s garden
for inspiration
as well as a meeting place
to sit
enjoy life go by
but that’s our business
for now …